Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 22

For a snack I made the granola bars on page 25 of the Good and Cheap cookbook by Leanne Brown (available here).

For dinner we had watercress sauteed with garlic and a fresh chili.  I attempted to roast a duck which I don't think came out that great; somehow I managed to overcook the meat but the skin wasn't very crispy.  I used the steaming and flavoring instructions from this NY Times recipe (I made a nest out of foil in the wok) and then roasted it whole according to the instructions in this Canadian Living recipe.  Both recommend seasoning the duck 24 hours before cooking which I didn't do and I'm sure there were a few other missteps (for one, the water level was so high that it bubbled up over the nest which probably made the bird soggy).  But it wasn't inedible and we'll get some nice stock and duck fat out of it.

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